Saturday, March 15, 2008

Odds and Ends

Okay.....some updates.

Sammy is doing much better. She still kind of tilts to the right, and walks somewhat sideways when she's in a hurry, but she's happy, tail wagging, eating (I think. I suspect McKinley is helping her out but have not been able to catch him), and overall it seems she will be with us a little bit longer. It's a huge relief to me, but we have all the dog heaven books ready to go just in case.

Alex pooped on the potty. He woke up this morning telling me he wanted a Thomas the Train track like they have at Sunday School. I said that if he could poop and pee on the potty for the 2 weeks I'm on vacation we'll buy him one. At first he said "No poop and pee on the potty" but that was at 7 AM and he pretty much says no to anything at that time. Except driving in Papa's car. I can get him dressed and out of the house in 5 minutes (and I'm talking crib to carseat) if I tell him Papa is waiting at his house for Alex to come over and "drive". So this morning he says "no poop and pee in the potty" so I leave it alone. I don't really WANT a Thomas the Train track in my house to be honest. But later on he wants to wear underwear. Okaaaaay. Then he pees on the potty. Great. Then he says "Mommy I have to poop" and he goes in the bathroom and sits down and poops. Not just once, but three times I had to say, "Are you done?" and he'd say "Not yet!" and squeeze another one out. I'm not sure how long we were in there, but I think our Signing Time Volume I dvd made it through an entire showing before we came out again. I was getting really worried we were going to have to go to Target to buy the track soon.....but then he peed his pants 2 times in about 2 hours. So I think our bank account is safe a little longer, though our carpet is taking a beating.

Other Alex news (because really what else is there? I work. Chris works. We eat and go to sleep and do it all again the next day) Chris asked him the other morning, "Alex, would you like a little baby sister or a little baby brother?" (don't freak out, I'm not pregnant) and Alex said " thank you." so Chris asked again, "Don't you want a little baby sister or brother?" and he pointed to his baby doll sitting in his shopping cart and said, "I already have a baby. She's over there."

Um...ok. Just to be safe he came into our room where I was still in bed and said, "Mommy, I don't want a baby sister or brother."

I'm not too worried. In the last week we've gotten him to eat pizza AND jelly beans.....and he loves them both. So I feel like the idea will grow on him and we've got (as of now) unlimited time.