Tuesday, December 4, 2007


The boo-boo/boobie confusion has been resolved. It fell out of his head as quietly and quickly as it fell into it.

Last night, after being told there were no more grapes, Alex's usual temper tantrum "HAVE THEM!" response was replaced with......"Oh phooey".

His favorite CD is the personalized one from Henry O. that has his name sung every other verse (or so it seems). Both Chris and I are somewhat mystified at how this is accomplished.

There have been many pee pees on the potty. Some times there have been false alarms. And for those keeping score, still no poo poos.....and get a life.

I found a white coffee maker!!! Unfortunately it came in the mail today and it is VERY small. Like the size to fit in a kid-sized kitchen. I am a little bit worried that will not be good enough for Alex, who has Starbucks taste in appliances. Am trying to figure out a way we can actually buy him the one at Starbucks without anyone outside our nuclear family finding out about it. But that is nearly impossible now that most people can understand what he says. And he WILL rat us out. He rats out the dog on a near-daily basis.

I taught Alex how to say "ferme la bouche" last night, which is French for "shut your mouth". Sounds kind of harsh. I think that is the literal translation though....I think it really just means "be quiet". My french teacher would shout that at us all the time, so it can't be that bad, right? Plus, the word "bouche" cracks him up. As do the words "coat", "Bob", "gong".......

"Zooboomafoo" is still his #1 favorite TV show (and mine). He will watch 2-3 episodes back-to-back if we let him. We are trying not to feel too guilty about how often we "let" him.

His favorite book (and I mean FAVORITE BOOK) is the one Grandpa Jim bought for him called "Yummy Yucky". He LOVES to pretend to be REALLY disgusted when we say "YUCKY!!!" and he pretends to spit yucky things out of his mouth and dances around in circles. He loves loves loves it. But we can't read it at bedtime anymore. Ever. Because he will cry cry cry until I go in there, then brighten up the minute I pick him up and say "Read more silly book?" The earwax page is his favorite. He has firsthand knowledge of just how yucky that stuff really is.

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